Green energies

Let’s turn our waste into a resource for the future.

Solid waste is expected to increase by almost 70% by 2050 due to natural human activity. Methanisation offers an immediate and permanent solution to capture C0² emissions from waste and transform them into a light and reliable fuel source that replaces natural gas from fossil fuels.

Whether you are an industrialist, farmer, waste manager, local authority, or engineering office, OSEIDO can help you with your methanisation projects.

We design and build biogas treatment units using membrane technology.

Compact and modular solutions

– Our turnkey solutions can handle raw biogas flows from 40 Nm³/h.
– Production of biomethane with membrane technology (SEPURAN membrane references)

Membrane technology


A tailor-made and turnkey solution

Biomethane purity above 97%.

Methane losses less than 0.5%.

Reduced operating costs.

Robust membranes.

Energy performance guarantees and monitoring tool.

Some key figures

0 %

of the share of renewable gas in French consumption by 2030


installations producing renewable gas in France in 2022

30 M

million tons of raw material, the potential of methanisation by 2030 is estimated at 56 GWh

0 %

of biogas comes from the methanisation of agricultural materials

Our areas of expertise

A complete and tailor-made expertise.

Water and waste management need to be well understood